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Detroit puts faith in reviving used-car market   2009年02月21日

This weekend, car salesmen around America have donned wigs and beards in a bid to tempt reluctant buyers back into dealerships for Presidents' Day sales.

The long weekend traditionally kicks off the industry's spring buying season, and General Motors, Honda and Toyota are among the carmakers offering aggressive sales and marketing promotions.

As they do, carmakers and dealers are seizing on a rare positive indicator: the used-car market is reviving. Prices and volumes of used vehicles have been rising in the US and major West European markets since the end of last year.

 The used-car market has come roaring back,” Jim Farley, Ford Motor's head of marketing, said last week. “That shows that there is some credit availability out there.”

The trend, if it continues, would be welcome news for both carmakers suffering massive drops in demand and financially endangered dealer groups, many of which have been selling new vehicles at little or no profit, but can earn better margins on used ones.

 It's a glimmer of hope for the industry,” says Jesse Toprak, senior analyst with Ed- , the US car buying website.

After suffering their largest monthly decline ever in October, average wholesale prices for used vehicles in the US, the world's largest car market, rose in November and December and were up another 3 per cent in January, according to Adesa, one of America's biggest vehicle auction houses.

In the UK, where the value of the average used car fell by 20 per cent last year, wholesale prices have climbed about 5 per cent this year, according to Glass's Guide, which follows used-car valuations.

 Immediately after Christmas, consumers started appearing in significant numbers,” Adrian Rushmore, Glass's Guide's managing editor, said. “Retail demand for used cars picked up and has continued since.”




上周末,為了總統(tǒng)日(Presidents' Day)的銷(xiāo)售,美國(guó)各地的汽車(chē)銷(xiāo)售人員紛紛戴上假發(fā)假須,以吸引不情愿的買(mǎi)家回到經(jīng)銷(xiāo)店。

這個(gè)長(zhǎng)周末傳統(tǒng)上會(huì)拉開(kāi)美國(guó)汽車(chē)業(yè)新春購(gòu)買(mǎi)季的序幕,通用汽車(chē)(General Motors)、本田(Honda)和豐田(Toyota)等汽車(chē)廠商都推出了積極的市場(chǎng)促銷(xiāo)舉措。


福特汽車(chē)(Ford Motor)市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷(xiāo)負(fù)責(zé)人吉姆?法萊(Jim Farley)上周表示:“二手車(chē)市場(chǎng)已迅速回暖。這表明,市場(chǎng)上存在一些可用信貸。”


美國(guó)汽車(chē)購(gòu)買(mǎi)網(wǎng)站的高級(jí)分析師杰西?托普拉克(Jesse Toprak)表示:“這給汽車(chē)業(yè)帶來(lái)了一點(diǎn)希望之光?!?/SPAN>


在英國(guó),追蹤二手車(chē)價(jià)值的Glass's Guide稱(chēng),該國(guó)去年二手車(chē)價(jià)值平均下降了20%,但今年以來(lái),批發(fā)價(jià)格已上升了約5%。

Glass's Guide總編輯阿德里安?拉什莫(Adrian Rushmore)表示:“圣誕節(jié)剛過(guò),消費(fèi)者就開(kāi)始大量涌現(xiàn)。二手車(chē)零售需求有所上升,而且一直持續(xù)至今?!?/SPAN>


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