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SCHMID:工業(yè)自動(dòng)化是解決制造業(yè)挑戰(zhàn)的重要出路   2017年03月24日

SCHMID亞太區(qū)工業(yè)自動(dòng)化事業(yè)部銷售總監(jiān)Luca Santini



  For many domestic industrial enterprises, SCHMID is a brand name theymay not be familiar with. Actually, it is a German enterprise, enjoysmore than 150 years of history, and with more than 20 years ofbusiness experience in the field of globalindustry, it has a lot of innovation systems and industrial solutions used in the electronics industry, automation, energy storage systems and photovoltaic field, and have been highly approvedby the user and customers. For example, SCHMID montrac? systems can easily transport through the factory and production line of internal logistics, make production more efficient and reliable, which is the urgent problemthat needs tobe solvedin manydomestic manufacturing enterprises.



  當(dāng)然SCHMID也已經(jīng)洞察到了行業(yè)的需求和改變,那么作為中國市場的后來者,他們?nèi)绾畏e極行動(dòng),抓住發(fā)展契機(jī)呢?在2017工業(yè)自動(dòng)化的開年盛會(huì)——廣州SIAF展上,IIANews記者采訪了SCHMID亞太區(qū)工業(yè)自動(dòng)化事業(yè)部銷售總監(jiān)Luca Santini,相信采訪交流內(nèi)容會(huì)針對上述問題給出答案。

  SCHMID, of course, has the insight into the industry requirements and changes, so as the latter arrival in the Chinese market, how they can catch the business opportunities effectively? In 2017, Guangzhou SIAF show, IIANews reporter interviewed with Mr. Luca Santini, SCHMID Asia-pacific industrial automation division sales director, and the interview conversation will give the answers for the problems mentioned above.



       News challenges create new demands


  在SIAF展會(huì)現(xiàn)場首次亮相的SCHMID頗為忙碌,不時(shí)有觀眾造訪它的展臺(tái),就展示的系統(tǒng)或應(yīng)用案例與工作人員進(jìn)行詳細(xì)的交流。在采訪前一天,Luca先生也和中國當(dāng)?shù)乜蛻暨M(jìn)行了一次深入溝通,收獲了很多富有價(jià)值的反饋?!爸袊髽I(yè)對新技術(shù)正產(chǎn)生濃厚的興趣,這導(dǎo)致近年來工業(yè)自動(dòng)化市場需求日益旺盛,其中具有挑戰(zhàn)性的項(xiàng)目也增多。過去3年SCHMID montrac?業(yè)務(wù)在持續(xù)增長,這是經(jīng)濟(jì)減速背景下意想不到的結(jié)果?!癓uca表示,這種情況在整個(gè)亞太區(qū)市場都很相似,因?yàn)榇蠹颐媾R的著同樣的挑戰(zhàn)?!斑^去的廉價(jià)勞動(dòng)力市場已經(jīng)不復(fù)存在,當(dāng)前人工成本快速上漲。此外,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,生產(chǎn)效率等也成為掣肘企業(yè)發(fā)展的關(guān)鍵問題。對于很多廠商而言,工業(yè)自動(dòng)化是他們能找到的解決上述問題的唯一出路?!?/FONT>

  Made its debut of SCHMID is very busy at the SIAF exhibition, there are so many visitors to visit the booth frequently, inquired about themontrac?system or application cases day before the interview, Mr. Lucahad a conversation in-depth with an importantlocal Chinese customer, harvest a lot of valuable feedback."Chinese companies show a very strong interest in the new technology, with an increasing request for industrial automation solutions, in which more challenging projects are in demand. Over the past three years the montrac? businesshas continued its growth, this is a remarkable achievement and unexpected result under the global economic downturn." Luca said the situation in the whole Asia-pacific markets are very similar, because they face with the same Labor advantages has gone, the current labor costs rise quickly. In addition, the product quality and production efficiency has become a constraint reason for the development of enterprises. For many manufacturers, industrial automation is the only way to solve the above problem."



  和很多國外企業(yè)相比,SCHMID進(jìn)入中國市場的時(shí)間比較晚。但Luca認(rèn)為,現(xiàn)在中國和亞洲對于高科技產(chǎn)品的需求不斷增加,從這個(gè)角度看,其實(shí)也是進(jìn)入中國的最好時(shí)機(jī)。最直觀的例子就是12年前 初入亞洲市場montrac?系統(tǒng),只能在一些國家需要高新技術(shù)的行業(yè)中應(yīng)用。 “產(chǎn)品的應(yīng)用需求要建立在一定技術(shù)與設(shè)備基礎(chǔ)上,只有那些對于產(chǎn)品品質(zhì)有高度訴求的企業(yè)才會(huì)選擇montrac??!倍@些前提條件在今天早已成為普遍的狀態(tài)。

  Compared with those foreign enterprises, SCHMID‘s entry in the Chinese market is not earlier enough. But Luca suggest that now in China and Asia thereis an increasing demand for high-tech products, from this perspective, today is the best time to enter China. The most meaningful example is that 12 years ago,the montrac? started its distribution in Asia, but only in countries and for applications, where high technology was the primary requirement."This product application needs to be builton the basis of a certain technology and equipment, only those enterprises who are looking to increase the product quality and their production efficiency will choose montrac?, and these preconditionsin Chinais just a natural state in today.” said LUCA



       Solve customer pain points



  Facing with the huge market space, Luca said SCHMID mustdeal with many new requirements from the new project or new challenges, gained insight into industry application, tries to build up a more advantage of engineering innovation solutions, provide better services for Chinese customers is one of the highlights of the persistence of the company.



  For example, around industrial 4.0 and made in China the field of the production control, including control information interface, and the information level vertical integration. Customers prefer to use one workstation, one computer, one office to support the whole production line, which is also the change industry 4.0 brought with.



  SCHMID has many high-tech hardware system, but industry4.0 is more emphasis on the software, for that, SCHMID provides an integratedand user friendlyinterface displays all the conditions, Whichis a tool had developed a year ago, called MFC (Material Flow Controller), can help customers to achieve production line equipment connection control, able users toreceive all the information from the production line and conduct a comprehensive controland statistics. This software let the customer see and control the product life cycle, have more smoothertransporting process, and the quality is improved accordingly. “Such investment is worth for the manufactures." Luca said



  When IIANews reporter asked whether SCHMID build a community for software training, Luca said the system is customized for SCHMID’s customers, at the time of product sales the software training is organized for the customers, so there is no need to building a software related community, but it is also possible to set up a similar organization in the future.


  據(jù)Luca介紹,SCHMID產(chǎn)品的精度重復(fù)性高達(dá)99%,并且具有靈活性高,低功耗,無激波,低維護(hù),用戶友好等特性。此外,用戶也可以自定義系統(tǒng),每個(gè)用戶都進(jìn)行自己獨(dú)特的設(shè)計(jì)。這些特點(diǎn)無疑令SCHMID montrac?系統(tǒng)的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域更加寬廣,除了工業(yè)和汽車制造這兩大強(qiáng)勢行業(yè),塑料,電子,醫(yī)療,制藥,半導(dǎo)體也是SCHMID的市場。除此之外,SCHMID已經(jīng)在17個(gè)國家設(shè)有銷售和服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu),以便于幫助客戶建設(shè)產(chǎn)線運(yùn)送項(xiàng)目。所以對于國內(nèi)不同行業(yè)客戶的需求,SCHMID已經(jīng)做好準(zhǔn)備。

  According to Luca, SCHMID products have already achieved high precision repeatability, approximately 99%, a high degree of flexibility, low power consumption, shock-free, low maintenance, and user addition to these, the users can also customize the systemsby themselves, every user can have its own design, it also can let the SCHMID montrac?system serves in more areasand industries, automotive industry is the strongest sector for SCHMID, but also plastic, electronics, medical, pharmaceutical, semiconductor. Moreover, SCHMID has built sales and service centers in 17 countries, helping customers to set up transport systems project in production ning the needs of domestic customers from different industries, SCHMID has been already prepared for different solutions.




  Pursuing the greater success in the Chinese market



  China itself is a very big market, Luca guess the market will pay evenmore attention to the industry automation in the future, this also gives SCHMID a lot of opportunities.



  " In the automotive industry as well as the plastic, electronic and intralogistics one there is room for improvement, as the transportsystems in production lines in these industries are just at the initial stage. SCHMID can accuratethe connection between point a and point b limitlessly, customers also can quickly optimize their complete assemblythanks tomontrac?transport system."



  Concerning the market regions, except for south China market, east China market are also focused by SCHMID, because many large industrial automation company and automobile manufacturing industry gathered there. In the business point of view, last year, SCHMID has got very optimistic achievements in China, the company has continued grow in last three years, and this is quiteexciting in the decline of the global economy environment.



  IIANews reporters also survey the visitors to the SCHMID booth in the past two days, SCHMID has already been got the recognition by the local customers more and more. Right now, SCHMID customizes a special organizational structure in the Chinese market for future development, localized the sales department,technologyand market forces will soon follow will have a brilliant future inthe Chinese market.

標(biāo)簽:SCHMID 工業(yè)自動(dòng)化 電子工業(yè) 光伏領(lǐng)域 我要反饋