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彪哥專 欄

閃耀漢諾威 共賀中國年——易格斯

2025China.cn   2012年03月30日

        易格斯也一直以創(chuàng)新作為公司的理念。每年在漢諾威工業(yè)展上,易格斯都會發(fā)布一年的最新研發(fā)成果。今年易格斯也會有多達幾十種新產(chǎn)品和產(chǎn)品擴充現(xiàn)場發(fā)布。易格斯同樣把漢諾威工業(yè)展看做一次令人興奮的聚會,每年都會舉行拖鏈或軸承應(yīng)用設(shè)計競賽頒獎儀式,并隨后在現(xiàn)場舉行聚會,邀請眾多工業(yè)界朋友參加。這兩項設(shè)計競賽輪流隔年舉行,旨在尋找和激勵那些創(chuàng)新的應(yīng)用設(shè)計。今年我們將在漢諾威現(xiàn)場舉行vector 2012 (拖鏈應(yīng)用設(shè)計競賽)頒獎儀式,其中特別值得關(guān)注的是,今年我們增設(shè)了中國特別獎,旨在表彰中國設(shè)計師在這方面的成績。

        It’s really a great honor for China to be the partner country of Hannover Messe 2012, the most famous industrial exhibition in Europe. Hannover Messe is a collection of frontier scientific and technological innovations from Europe even worldwide, I think that’s also exactly the reason why it’s being unfading and impactive. The innovations exhibited are the wisdom crystallization of human beings, which bring more convenience and fun to our daily life.
        As for Igus, Innovation is our mission all the time. Igus will release the latest research results during Hannover Trade Show. There is no exception for this year, we prepared a large variety of new products and expanded products. Hannover Messe is just like an exciting party for us, where we hold the vector or manus competition awards ceremony in alternate years every year, and invite friends from the industry field. The two design competitions were held in alternate years, aiming at looking for and encouraging those innovative application designs. This year we will hold the vector 2012 awards ceremony in Hannover Messe 2012. It should be noted that, we set up an special award to encourage Chinese design engineers’ achievements.



標簽:易格斯 漢諾威 我要反饋 