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Second-hand luxurious vehicle   2009年03月02日

Alan Finkelstein, owner of two furniture and graphic design businesses in Cresskill, New Jersey, became hooked on second-hand luxury cars two years ago.

After comparing new and used Audi, Lexus and Mercedes-Benz models, Mr Finkelstein opted for a 2004 Mercedes S-Class 500 sedan with 40,000 miles on the clock. The price tag was one-third that of a new model, and the car came with a three-year, 36,000-mile warranty.

 In my opinion, it was pretty much the same car at a much lower price,” Mr Finkelstein says. He has already taken a shine to a used Mercedes S550 when the warranty on his S500 expires next year.

Luxury car makers increasingly have their eye on people like Mr Finkelstein. As hard economic times take a big bite out of their new-car business, manufacturers and their dealers are looking for ways to woo customers eager to save money without giving up their creature comforts or status symbols. One answer: high-quality second-hand vehicles.

 People may buy less luxury, but they're going to buy luxury nonetheless,” Martin Goldfarb, a Toronto market researcher recently told Goldman Sachs clients. “People want to maintain their lifestyle. Even if it's three years old, it's still a Mercedes, even if it's five years old, it's still a Lexus.”

While Lexus's US dealers sold a fifth fewer new vehicles last year, their sales of used models climbed by 4.3 per cent, and by another 19.5 per cent in January. BMW in the US sold 848 used 7-Series sedans in December, compared with 37 new units of its flagship model.

The luxury carmakers face a dual challenge in pushing used-vehicle sales. On one hand, they have to overcome the image of dingy lots and sleazy salespeople typically associated with the second-hand car market.

But as they try to close a sale, their dealers often hear that the customer can buy the same vehicle for thousands of dollars less at an independent used-car outlet.

Carmakers have responded by seeking to persuade buyers that brand-name dealerships are a cut above the rest. The terms “used” and “second-hand” have been all but banished in favour of “certified pre-owned”, or CPO, vehicles.

Lexus summed up the strategy in the slogan for one CPO promotion: “No Surprises. No Sacrifices.” Rolls-Royce uses the tagline “Provenance” for its used-car business.

 We've really tried to define CPO as a third category [in addition to new and used]”, says Matt Kaleba, Lexus's national certified pre-owned manager.

Bill Bates, his counterpart at BMW, adds: “My role is to make sure that the dealerships are as well-equipped and as comfortable selling a certified pre-owned car as a new one.”

The carmakers have pressed online car-shopping services to create separate pages for CPO vehicles. Furthermore, they are pulling out the stops to show customers that the quality of a CPO vehicle offers far better value for money than a typical, take-your-chances used car.

Mike O'Brien, who owns two Lexus dealerships in the Seattle area, says that while he typically spends $800 preparing a used car for resale, the budget for a certified vehicle is $1,800.

Mercedes has a 155-point CPO checklist. According to Mark Webster, national pre-owned operations manager at Mercedes-Benz USA, tyres and brakes are typically replaced. Buyers can bring the car back within seven days and exchange it, for any reason. Mercedes also offers the same roadside assistance available to new car buyers.

The used vehicle “drives like a Mercedes, it's got the safety of a Mercedes and, of course, the cachet of a Mercedes”, Mr Webster says.

Used as well as new Mercedes owners can take part in a promotion that the German carmaker launched this month at several upscale US resorts offering hotel-room upgrades, free use of Mercedes-Benz cars and discounts at local restaurants and spas.

Noting that most used cars are now sold through the internet, Mr O'Brien, the Seattle Lexus dealer, employs eight people at his two dealerships to handle internet inquiries.

For carmakers and their dealers, the benefits of the certified pre-owned trade go beyond sales volumes. Strange as it may seem, a strong used-car market can play a crucial role in maintaining brand image.

Leases on hundreds of thousands of luxury cars written during the heady days of the property and stock market boom are now expiring. Without CPO buyers, dealers would be forced to put these vehicles up for auction, forcing down prices and, as a result, future trade-in values. Many of the vehicles would end up at independent used-car lots that offer less protection to buyers.

Dealers count on CPO buyers bringing in their cars for servicing, thus providing an extra source of revenue. Today's used-car customer may be tomorrow's new-car buyer. Brand loyalty is much higher among luxury car buyers than for mass-market brands.

The carmakers' captive financing arms have joined the CPO push by directing a growing share of their loans and leases at two- to three-year-old models.

Lexus offered a special loan rate of 2.9 per cent last month on its RX sport-utility vehicle, its top-selling new and used model. A similar promotion is planned for early spring.

BMW provides bonuses and inventory financing to dealers who buy cars coming off lease. It also helps pay for their print and online advertising.

The German carmaker holds its dealers to the same customer-satisfaction standards on new and used vehicles.

 There should be no difference in the way the customer is treated,” Mr Bates says. “You treat him right and he's going to recommend you to his neighbour.”




艾倫?芬克爾斯坦(Alan Finkelstein)在美國新澤西州的克萊斯基爾擁有兩家家具和平面設(shè)計(jì)公司。兩年前,他開始迷上了二手豪華轎車。




 “人們購買豪華車的數(shù)量可能會減少,但他們?nèi)詴I,”多倫多市場調(diào)研員馬丁?戈德法布(Martin Goldfarb)最近告訴高盛(Goldman Sachs)的客戶,“人們希望保持他們的生活方式。即使用了3年,但它仍是奔馳;即使用了5年,但它仍是雷克薩斯。”

盡管雷克薩斯美國經(jīng)銷商去年的新車銷量減少了五分之一,但其二手車的銷量卻增加了4.3%,今年 1月銷量更是增加了19.5%;去年12月,寶馬汽車(BMW)在美國售出了848輛寶馬7系二手轎車,而其旗艦車型的新車僅售出了37輛。



對此,汽車制造商試圖說服買家,讓他們相信品牌經(jīng)銷商要優(yōu)于其它二手車經(jīng)銷商?!芭f車(used)”和“二手車(second-hand)”的說法幾乎聽不到了,大家喜歡說“認(rèn)證二手車(certified pre-owned)”,簡稱CPO。

雷克薩斯在一款CPO車型的促銷口號中總結(jié)了該公司的戰(zhàn)略:“無須驚訝,不須犧牲”(No Surprises. No Sacrifices)。勞斯萊斯(Rolls-Royce)二手車業(yè)務(wù)的標(biāo)語是“系出名門”。

 “確實(shí),我們一直努力將CPO定義為(新車和舊車之外的)第三類車,”雷克薩斯的全國CPO經(jīng)理馬特?卡拉巴(Matt Kaleba)表示。

卡拉巴在寶馬公司的同行比爾?貝茨(Bill Bates)補(bǔ)充說:“我的工作是確保經(jīng)銷商在銷售CPO汽車時,就像銷售新車那樣既準(zhǔn)備充分又心情舒暢?!?/SPAN>


邁克?奧布萊恩(Mike O'Brien)在西雅圖地區(qū)擁有兩家雷克薩斯經(jīng)銷店。他表示,一輛二手車的轉(zhuǎn)售準(zhǔn)備費(fèi)用一般為800美元,而CPO汽車的費(fèi)用則高達(dá)1800美元。

在奔馳公司CPO車輛出售時的清單上列有155項(xiàng)內(nèi)容。奔馳美國公司全美CPO業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)理馬克?韋伯斯特(Mark Webster)表示,舊車的輪胎和剎車通常都要換掉。購車者可以任何理由在購車后7天內(nèi)把車開回來進(jìn)行調(diào)換。奔馳也會提供與新車買家相同的路邊援助服務(wù)。















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