siemens x

Keys Getting Smarter   2009年02月27日

A key was once one of the simplest devices you could own. No more. Today's automotive keys are no longer just the simple piece of stamped steel you spend a buck to get duplicated at the neighborhood hardware store. Even the most stripped-down econocar is likely to come with a keyless entry system using encrypted digital hardware. And more expensive models eliminate traditional keys all together, replacing them with a fob and an electronic "Start" button on the dash.

But that's just the beginning.

Two new "smart" key systems promise to bring near iPhone-level capability to your key chain. One is designed to turn young motorists into safer, smarter drivers, while the other can carry a wallet's worth of personal information. And, yes, these intelligent keys will still start up your car. Paul Eisenstein

Ford MyKey

At first glance, the new MyKey looks just like the electromechanical key used on just about every Ford product. It has a smart fob with a microprocessor-based transceiver inside that can be used for keyless entry or to pop open the trunk. But that pedestrian plastic is hiding some slick new tech. MyKey can be configured to limit the driving privileges of teenage drivers—or anyone else you deem as a potentially risky operator—your lead-footed dear Aunt Edna perhaps? "

Use MyKey instead of a conventional Ford key, and the car can't be driven faster than 80 miles an hour. In fact, the car will chime when it hits 45, 55 and then 65 mph. At the same time, the key prevents users from disabling the vehicle's traction control—something young hot rodders certainly like to do—saving your car and your kid from snowy parking lot donuts. Additionally, the vehicle provides an earlier-than-normal low fuel warning, at 75, rather than 50 miles before empty.

Perhaps most pleasing to parents with shattered eardrums, the smart-key system limits the car's audio system to just 44 percent of its maximum volume.

MyKey will make its debut on the 2010 Focus model, and should begin appearing on other Ford, Lincoln and Mercury models soon afterwards.

"A key can be used to recognize you uniquely," explains Jim Buczkowski, Ford's director of electrical and electronics systems group, noting that there's actually no physical difference between MyKey and a conventional Ford key. "Software opens the MyKey future. It opens the door to anything." The key could be programmed to customize just about anything connected to a vehicle's electrical bus, adds Buczkowski, from seat preferences to Bluetooth cellphone connectivity.

BMW Smart Key

BMW's new Smart Key doesn't just work for you inside your car, it aims to be an indispensable resource even when you're not driving. The company plans to unveil the key next month at a conference in Paris.

Working with NXP Semiconductors, a European technology company, researchers from the Bavarian automaker have come up with a smart key that could be used for countless daily activities, in or out of your vehicle. It would, of course, unlock and start your car, then serve as a transponder for paying tolls, or for buying gasoline. It would also operate much like the smart credit cards now commonplace in Europe, using radio frequency chips to ring up charges at a grocery store or restaurant.

The opportunity to combine all sorts of functions into a single device—the BMW smart-key equivalent of today's smart phones—certainly has some appeal. But there's also a downside. Lose one key and you could be stranded far from home, possibly without a credit card. And while the BMW prototype features NXP's latest in digitally encrypted chips, security is a cat-and-mouse game, and hackers have proven themselves able to unlock just about anything, given enough time.

But the potential is simply too significant, the experts contend. Tomorrow's digitally encoded keys will likely play a major role in our day-to-day lives, far more than simply opening up the doors to our cars—or even our homes.











“一個鑰匙可用于識別您的特征,”福特汽車公司電氣和電子系統(tǒng)集團的主管Jim Buczkowski 解釋道,他還指出,實際上MyKey和傳統(tǒng)福特鑰匙沒有實際區(qū)別。 “是軟件打開了MyKey的未來”,Buczkowski補充道,這種鑰匙可以通過編寫程序設(shè)置與汽車電線連接的任何東西,從座椅參數(shù)設(shè)置到藍(lán)牙手機連接。






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