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Autocoding and AUTOSAR move forward simultaneously   2009年01月15日

Design tools from dSpace are being upgraded to include AUTOSAR, which should help the standard’s growth.

­­The AUTOSAR standard is expected to make a big change in the software world during the next decade, changing the way software and hardware interact. Developers of autocoding tools are ramping up, planning to make sure that AUTOSAR’s acceptance helps broaden the reach of these software development tools.

AUTOSAR provides a standard interface between hardware and software, making it much simpler to write programs that can run on different types of hardware. That can shorten design time for electronic systems suppliers and make it easier for OEMs to migrate from one supplier to another.

Our vision is to use AUTOSAR to specify algorithms that let us formally describe the communication between different controllers,” said Lev Vitkin, Staff Software Engineer at Delphi Corp.

The growth for this standard coincides with an expected uptake of autocoding. Automated code generation has been proven as a way to shorten development time for control software, setting the stage for expanded use. It is expected to rise to nearly 60% of the programming for automotive ECUs in five years, up from about a quarter today, according to Arthur D. Little GmbH.

That is already happening. Magneti Marelli Holding S.p.A. is migrating all the code from its engine control unit to AUTOSAR and then implementing the machine-written programs on the same ECU. More than a hundred AUTOSAR software components were revised.

The company used SystemDesk tools from dSpace to establish the new architecture and generate the code. The key goal was to make it simpler to migrate to other controllers as technology advances.

With the AUTOSAR extensions, programmers can make compliant software so it’s easy to integrate software components onto their ECUs,” said Dirk Fleischer, SystemDesk and TargetLink Product Manager at dSpace Inc.

Fleischer noted that European automakers are a bit more aggressive than U.S. OEMs in their usage of both AUTOSAR and autocoding.

Though there are some risks in early adoption, there are also benefits. If AUTOSAR sees widespread adoption as expected, these early adopters will have experience that will help refine their programs and over time could hold an edge in the market, Fleischer said.





AUTOSARAUTomotive Open System Architecture,汽車開放系統(tǒng)架構(gòu))標(biāo)準(zhǔn)有望給10年后的軟件世界帶來很大的變化,尤其在軟硬件之間的交互方面。自動編碼工具的開發(fā)商正在加速研發(fā)步伐,從而保證AUTOSAR的廣泛接受有助于推廣它們的開發(fā)工具。


“我們的目的就是用AUTOSAR來設(shè)置算法,確切的描述不同控制器之間的通訊”,來自Delphi公司的軟件工程師Lev Vitkin如是道。

這個標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的發(fā)展跟自動編碼技術(shù)不謀而合。自動代碼生成已被證明是縮短控制軟件研發(fā)周期的一種好辦法,而這為其更廣泛的用處創(chuàng)造了條件。5年后,這將有望大大地縮短汽車ECU的編程工作,時間縮短可從當(dāng)前的25%5年后的60%Arthur D. Little GmbH公司稱。

這個進(jìn)程已經(jīng)開始了。Magneti Marelli Holding S.p.A.公司把發(fā)動機(jī)控制單元的所有代碼轉(zhuǎn)換為AUTOSAR標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的代碼,然后在相同ECU上用上機(jī)寫的程序。其中,100個以上的AUTOSAR軟件單元做了改動。


“利用AUTOSAR擴(kuò)展,程序員可以編寫具有適應(yīng)性的軟件,所以就可比較容易地將軟件單元集成到其ECU上”,來自dSPACE公司的SystemDesk &TargetLink產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理Dirk Fleischer如是說。




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