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NVIDIA與ARM合作發(fā)布MID SoC方案,強強聯(lián)手挑戰(zhàn)英特爾   2008年06月05日
ARM公司日前宣布,在2008臺北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2008)上發(fā)布的NVDIA Tegra移動片上電腦,是基于ARM11 MPCore多核處理器技術而設計。作為世界上最小的、全高清片上電腦,NVIDIA Tegra針對下一代智能手機和移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)設備(MID)進行了優(yōu)化,為用戶提供完整的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)體驗、高清視頻和絕佳的3D觸摸界面。這是ARM處理器技術第一次被授權專門用于面向超便攜、超低功耗的MID市場的片上系統(tǒng)(SoC)。

NVIDIA移動業(yè)務部門總經(jīng)理Mike Rayfield表示:“當今的消費者希望便攜計算設備能夠根據(jù)他們特定的需求進行量身定制,同時還能提供與臺式個人電腦同樣生動和迷人的體驗。融合了高性能和超低功耗的NVIDIA Tegra是世界上最小的、全高清片上電腦,同時對于那些希望為一直聯(lián)網(wǎng)的新一代消費者設計出功能豐富、外形小巧優(yōu)雅的便攜設備的產(chǎn)品制造商而言,它也是一個理想的選擇?!?p>

ARM首席執(zhí)行官Warren East表示:“今天,基于ARM處理器技術的NVIDIA Tegra的發(fā)布,是我們與NVIDIA長期且富有成果的合作關系的一個證明。NVIDIA是第一批授權使用ARM11 MPCore多核處理器技術的合作伙伴之一。NVIDIA Tegra的發(fā)布標志著在推動下一代計算變革的道路上邁出的重要一步,這場變革是由具有超低功耗、超便攜性的移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)設備所推動的,ARM也為自己能夠身處這一改變未來游戲規(guī)則的技術核心而深感自豪?!?p>


ARM11 MPCore多核處理器可根據(jù)具體應用的需求在單核至四核的范圍內進行自由配置。ARM11 MPCore處理器這一獨特的可擴展性為設備OEM廠商提供了最適宜于其應用的性能水平,同時它允許每個處理器分別進入待機、睡眠或關機的能源管理模式,用于幫助控制處理器消耗的動態(tài)和靜態(tài)能源。

以下視頻是一段對比Intel芯片和NVidia Tegra芯片功耗的視頻,由NVidia工程師錄制:(需要安裝Flash播放器)


1. That looks really awesome. Please provide more videos, more details. Is it an ARM + DSP based system? Can you have an embedded Linux type OS run on it? Are you measuring 1.3W on your Nvidia laptop including the power consumption of an LED backlit screen? What is the power consumption for browsing the Internet and writing documents? Why aren't you working with OLPC to create the next generation HD-capable lower power and lower priced laptop?

2. oh ffs, you wanna compare a motherboard with a video chip? cmon... and i hope you don't expect me (or anyone else) to blindly believe those power measurements without any details. i am a big fan of you guys but this is too much.

3. I don't think he's measuring the display power on either as either of those just the main board power.

The intel board looks like an Atom or A110 from the chip die I guess the GMA must use a fair amount of power when playing video but then a typical north bridge does use about 7 watts or so plus the GMA 950 or what ever.

If the entire tegra system including display driver is using just 1.3 watts that is extremely impressive.


標簽:NVIDIA與ARM合作發(fā)布MID SoC方案,強強聯(lián)手挑戰(zhàn)英特爾 我要反饋 