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西門子精英工程師論壇大連、鞍山站成功舉辦   2008年08月04日




  西門子自動(dòng)化高端精英工程師論壇,不僅向客戶工程師傳遞最新的產(chǎn)品信息和技術(shù)理念,為業(yè)內(nèi)自動(dòng)化工程技術(shù)人員提供了一個(gè)開放的交流平臺(tái),分享行業(yè)信息,探討技術(shù)問題,也為不同行業(yè)間的合作提供了良好的契機(jī)。參與此兩站研討會(huì)的工程師主要來自冶金、重型機(jī)械制造、水處理、化工等行業(yè)的最終用戶和高級(jí)系統(tǒng)集成商。關(guān)注的話題主要圍繞S7 400/300 PLC、TDC、ET 200、WinCC和工業(yè)軟件產(chǎn)品在各不同行業(yè)中的應(yīng)用,此外,對(duì)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)的技術(shù)施工及安裝調(diào)試等常見技術(shù)問題也進(jìn)行了探討和交流。8月,工程師論壇將陸續(xù)在蘇州、杭州、武漢、長(zhǎng)沙、成都、重慶和昆明站舉辦。

Forum of SIMATIC Top Engineers Successfully Held in Dalian and Anshan
On July 9th and 11th, 2008, Forum of SIMATIC Top Engineers was successfully held in Dalian and Anshan.
In Dalian, Ms. Liao Yan, high end PM of AS BU introduced the forum to all the attendees; then Mr. Wang Guoming, CoC engineer shared his over a decade of product application and project experience, for example the EMC and communication technology which were highly praised by engineers present; Mr. Qi from Dalian Zhongde introduced the recycled water processing system and Mr. Wu from DHI?DCW Group Co., Ltd introduced the application of SIMATIC TDC in coiling machines.
Engineers from Anshan and Shenyang attended the forum in Anshan. Mr. Wu Shijun, PM of Region Northeast of AS BU introduced the forum to all the attendees; then Ms. Liao Yan, AS factory automation high-end PM, introduced the programming technique of high end PLC, including the programming language and features; Mr. Zhang from key laboratory in Northeast University shared his application experience of SIMATIC high end PLC products in steel industry; at last, Mr. Na from MCC the application experience of SIMATIC high end automation products in steel industry.
The forum is an open platform not only for automation engineers to communicate on the latest technical information and application experience, but also for engineers of different industries to cooperate in the future. In Dalian
and Anshan, the forum focuses mainly on the issue of S7 400/300 PLC, TDC, ET 200, WinCC, industrial software and their application, and installation and on site configuration. Engineers from end users and senior System Integrators of metallurgy, heavy machinery, water treatment and chemical industries had a heated discussion. In August, the forum will be held in Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wuhan etc.



標(biāo)簽:西門子 精英工程師論壇 我要反饋 