siemens x

西門子備戰(zhàn)工業(yè)4.0   2013年04月09日

       ?  制造業(yè)的重大改變促使數(shù)字化及網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的發(fā)展,并促進(jìn)生產(chǎn)力的提升
       ?  憑借7500名軟件工程師,西門子工業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域無(wú)疑是通過(guò)IT技術(shù)連接產(chǎn)品研發(fā)及生產(chǎn)的引領(lǐng)者

       ?  西門子集成化的產(chǎn)品組合包括硬件,軟件和服務(wù),其在技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位不可撼動(dòng)










Siemens prepares the way for Industry 4.0

? Fundamental change in manufacturing industry leads to increasing digitization and networking to leverage productivity
? With 7,500 software engineers, the Industry Sector is trendsetter for linking product development and production through the use of IT
? Integrated Siemens portfolio comprising hardware, software and services underpins technological leadership


At the Hannover Messe 2013, Siemens will be showcasing how the company and itscustomers will meet today’s challenges and shape the new production age. “Never before has the world of manufacturing and production technology been changing as rapidly and fundamentally as today”, said Siegfried Russwurm, CEO of the Industry Sector and Siemens AG Board member, speaking at the Hannover Messe. There is some way to go until Industry 4.0 becomes reality, according to Russwurm, but his company is already today laying the essential foundations for its implementation. A
decisive role is played here by innovative industrial software which allows the integration of product development and production, and consequently paves the way for the holistic optimization of product development and production processes. “The increasing penetration of IT and the growing integration of all industrial technologies are taking place in evolutionary steps from today’s perspective. However, looking back, the completely IT-based interaction between human being, product and machine could prove to be a real industrial revolution”, Russwurm said.

Over the coming years, the market for industrial IT and software is predicted to grow at an average of eight percent year-on-year, double the rate estimated for Siemens Industry Sector’s relevant overall market. For that reason, Siemens is concentrating particular attention on expanding its innovation leadership in industrial IT and software. In total, Siemens Industry Sector today employs 7,500 software developers. “Aiming at interlinking virtual and real development and production processes, since 2007 we have invested over 4 billion Euro in acquisitions to bolster our industrial IT and industry software capability”, said Russwurm. Most recently, Siemens enhanced its software portfolio by taking over the Belgian company LMS, a
specialist in the testing and simulation of mechatronic systems. In future this will enable Siemens customers to simulate, test, optimize and manufacture their products using a single integrated database.

Already today, the integration of IT systems used for virtual planning and real production provides significant productivity leverage for industrial enterprises in global competition. Enterprises in leading industrial sectors such as automotive, aerospace and mechanical engineering are beginning to optimize their competitiveness along the entire value chain. “Siemens is doing more than any other vendor to drive forward modern production methods through the digitization of product development and production. That we are on the right track here is documented by the long-term contracts we recently concluded with Daimler, BMW and Airbus, as well as by around 100,000 visitors we are expecting at our booth in


Hanover. Many of these represent small and medium companies”, said Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) and the “Digital Enterprise Platform”, Siemens has been the trendsetter in the field of IT integration for many years. At the Hannover Messe, the company will be showcasing comprehensive solutions for linking planning, engineering and production processes alongside the relevant electrical and mechanical systems. Technical highlights at the Siemens booth will include Version 12 of its innovative Engineering Platform TIA Portal, the new Simatic S7-1500 controller generation, the “Integrated Drive System” (IDS) concept for electrical drive applications and IT-supported services such as Condition Monitoring.

In association with the Fraunhofer Institute and Volkswagen, Siemens will also be demonstrating how virtual production planning using PLM software can reduce the energy consumption of robot lines in car production by up to 50 percent.


The Siemens Industry Sector (Erlangen, Germany) is the world’s leading supplier of innovative andenvironmentally friendly products and solutions for industrial customers. With end-to-end automation technology and industrial software, solid vertical-market expertise, and technology-based services, the Sector enhances its customers’ productivity, efficiency, and flexibility. With a global workforce of more than 100,000 employees, the Industry Sector comprises the Divisions Industry Automation, Drive Technologies and Customer Services as well as the Business Unit Metals Technologies. For more
information, visit


標(biāo)簽:西門子 數(shù)字化 網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù) 我要反饋 