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FOSS enhances Vision software for near-infrared analyzers   2009年11月26日
FOSS NIRSystems introduces Service Pack 3 for Vision 3.50. Vision is a software package specifically designed for use with the FOSS NIRSystems Near-Infrared (NIR) laboratory and process analyzers. Vision 3.50 Service Pack 3 is a cumulative service pack and offers support for the latest NIR laboratory and process hardware.

Below are some of the new features added in Service Pack 3:
  • A new option has been added for archiving Routine Analysis Output Projects
  • The Instrument Stabilization test has been improved for better monitoring of the detector(s)
  • A new XDS Setup/Diagnostics menu has been added to the menu bar

    The FOSS Vision software is 21 CFR Part 11 compliant and supports PAT through numerous process analysis options and process communication capabilities. The software has an extensive security system with multiple access levels, secure data archiving and report generation as well as database and spreadsheet compatibility. Vision comes with a user-friendly electronic manual with tutorials and data for self taught hands-on method development and software operation.
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