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Emerson announces Syncade Smart Operations Management Suite   2009年02月05日
February 5, 2009 - Emerson Process Management introduces Syncade Smart Operations Management suite, a new class of real-time production management software to improve plant operations. The modular, scalable Syncade Suite extends the value of PlantWeb digital plant architecture by integrating real-time intelligent plant-floor data with procedural, off-line and transactional plant business processes, decisions and asset management.

The Smart Operations Management suite is an innovative replacement for the traditional client-server, program intense MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) software of the past decade. By contrast, the Syncade suite uses the modular, scalable framework-based software to deliver ISA95 Level 3 standards-based functionality.

Syncade Smart Operation Management suite is a family of software modules that provide easy, flexible, integrated solutions in four performance enhancing, functional areas: resource management, operations optimization, integrated information, and quality and compliance.

Resource Management: Effectively managing resources allows you to do more with less. Optimizing material conversion and eliminating the use of unsuitable material can reduce waste and rework. Scheduling, verifying and tracking proper equipment use can increase throughput. Improving operator productivity by guiding manual processes and enabling access to support documents can increase performance. Ensuring personnel have the proper skills, training and qualifications needed to effectively perform their jobs can minimize variability, improve company moral and support the fact that people are your greatest asset.

Operations Optimization: Improving plant workflow processes can significantly impact plant performance. Order management, material weighing/addition/traceability status, equipment state/cleaning/calibration tracking, product sampling and adjustment, electronic procedural control and data collection, are examples of workflow processes critical to optimizing operations. Syncade suite allows these diverse plant functions to be optimally coordinated, with easy access to information that impacts plant performance.

Quality and Compliance: Proper documentation ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and enables better user decisions by providing timely, “point of use,” accurate information. Too often, documentation can be a hindrance due to overwhelming volume, difficult accessibility, and missing information. Syncade suite eliminates these problems by providing effective data and document management throughout the lifecycle of a document, including online storage, change control, automatic routing, version management, and archived records management. Syncade software helps you turn your documents into management assets; rather than organizational burdens.

Integrated Information: Access to the right data at the right time enables better decisions. Integrating smart, real-time plant-floor data with your business practices helps your organization work smarter. By coordinating “handshaking” functions between existing plant systems and electronically guiding manual processes, plant operations can be streamlined. Syncade suite takes advantage of industry standards to enable easy and maintainable “plug and play” integration with other systems that impact your operations performance.

Modularity and scalability mean flexibility and focus: process manufacturing personnel and Emerson experts can analyze operations and then prioritize improvement projects, choose the appropriate standards-based modules, and begin implementation. It is not necessary to design and implement an entire infrastructure. A further advantage of scalability is that modules can support a small number of users at startup with additional users being added as needed. After initial process improvements are realized, additional modules can be implemented as time and budget permits.

Emerson’s launch of Syncade suite is one of many results of its proven corporate commitment to continuing innovation. Combined with Emerson’s strength and stability over a 100 year history of supplying process automation solutions, it makes the company an ideal choice for collaboration on ISA95 Level 3 operations management improvements. And Emerson’s PlantWeb architecture is proven in thousands of global manufacturing sites to provide the highest quality platform of process and plant data for operations decision making and management.

Emerson’s industry center and service resources support the broad, growing PlantWeb adoption and extension to ISA95 Level 3 solutions. The combination of innovative, proven PlantWeb digital architecture and expert services has made Emerson an industry leading solutions supplier. End users often combine engineering and project management services with Emerson’s broad technology platforms to deliver a Main Automation Contractor solution for new construction and modernization. Emerson also consults with end users on automation and asset optimization improvements, providing vital aftermarket services to sustain peak performance. Emerson uses its industry knowledge and PlantWeb experience to help users integrate real-time, plant-floor data with improved business practices resulting in better performance.

“Unveiling of the Syncade suite is another exciting step in realizing the fully intelligent digital plant,” commented Tom Snead, president of the process systems and solutions division of Emerson Process Management. “The new operations management suite integrates the industry’s broadest, most reliable process intelligence from PlantWeb architecture and makes it into easy and efficient to use for optimum operational decisions.”


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