siemens x

Small car with big ambitions   2009年01月21日

Ford's Verve concept car gives the first hints of the company's small - car design vision. The concept is the first physical evidence of the design direction for an all - new small Ford vehicle , since it was announced earlier this year.

The European arm of the company's global product development group has taken the design and engineering lead and has taken the design and engineering lead and has created a new small - car portfolio for major world markets.

"Ford Verve Concept is presented as a bespoke concept car to generate reactions while our production plans are taking shape ," says John Fleming , president and CEO of Ford of Europe ."Our design team took an unrestrained approach to how our future small cars could look , and this eye -catching concept was one of the results . If we get the reaction we expect , I'm certain that the team will incorporate elements of this advanced design vision into our final production design . This will make the next generation of small cars from Ford very compelling indeed."

Finished in rich colours and distinctive materials inspired by the world of fashion and cosmetics, the Verve comcept was created by a team of designers from Ford's studios in Dunton, Endland, and Cologne , Germany.

The concept's design aims to build on Ford's kinetic design momentum of the recent iosis and iosis X concept cars, and the premium feel of production models like the new Ford Mondeo .

As product development of a new generation of Ford small cars continues , Ford of Europe is assessing the public's reaction to the continues,Ford of Europe is assessing the public's reaction to the concept, which was shown for the first time at the Frankfurt Motor Show earlier this year.

European design chief martin smith says this and other opportunities for public feedback will be important drivers of the ultimate ford small-car direction.

"The Ford Verve Concept is a dynamic first public expression of some of the thinking that will be contributing to the design DNA of our next-generation this stage ,we have had the freedom to be radically innovative,but I'm confident about the realistic possibilities for kinetic design to  embrace this segment of vehicles."






“生產(chǎn)計劃形成的同時,福特Verve概念車作為一款定制概念車的出現(xiàn)是為了評估公眾的反映,”福特歐洲的總裁和CEO John Fleming說,“設(shè)計師采用完全不受限制的方式來展示我們公司為未來小型車可能的外形,而這款醒目的概念車就是成果之一。如果我們獲得了期望的反應(yīng),我確信團(tuán)隊將會把這種先進(jìn)的設(shè)計理念綜合到公司最后的產(chǎn)品設(shè)計中。這將會使福特公司的下一代小型車非常引人注目?!?SPAN lang=EN-US>

Verve概念車的設(shè)計靈感來源于時尚界和化妝界,應(yīng)用鮮明的色彩和出眾的材料設(shè)計,由福特公司位于英國杜頓(Dunton)和德國科?。?SPAN lang=EN-US>Cologne)的設(shè)計團(tuán)隊聯(lián)合開發(fā)。

該款概念車的設(shè)計目標(biāo)融合了福特公司最近推出的iosisiosis X概念車的運(yùn)動設(shè)計元素,也融合了諸如新款蒙迪歐等生產(chǎn)模型中色出色元素。



歐洲設(shè)計負(fù)責(zé)人Martin Smith說,本次以及其他的一些公眾的回饋將是福特小型汽車最終設(shè)計趨勢的重要影響因素。



標(biāo)簽:Small car with big ambitions 我要反饋 