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The design and develop software control systems for hybrid powertrains in GM   2009年01月20日

General Motors, racing to bring hybrid vehicles to market faster, is turning to simulation to lop weeks off the time required to design and develop software control systems for hybrid powertrains. 

And it goes beyond hybrids. GM is using technology known as model-based design from MathWorks Inc., of Natick, Mass., to develop software control systems for all new GM powertrains around the world.

This software, called Simulink, allows GM to simulate the control system for any GM powertrain before committing to the hardware.

"I don't think you could do a hybrid control system without model-based design and development," said Kent Helfrich, director of software engineering in GM Powertrain. Hybrid powertrains are far more complex than those built around internal combustion engines and require sophisticated software controls.

Hybrid integration

"The name of the game in hybrid systems is integration," Helfrich told Automotive News. "You can't make an engine and a transmission separately anymore and then integrate them at the last minute. This has to be conceptualized as a family, as a system. If the system isn't conceptualized well, your end product's not going to work very well."

The automaker used MathWorks tools to design and develop its Two Mode hybrid powertrain control system launched in January on the GMC Yukon and Chevrolet Tahoe SUVs.

The Two Mode hybrid control system was done entirely in model-based design, Helfrich said.

"That really enabled engineers to do what they needed to do to ensure that the system actually worked, prior to even having hardware available," he said.

GM is reducing costs and taking weeks out of the development time of control systems for hybrid powertrains, he said. The automaker also is shortening its cycle time on design changes without affecting quality, he said.

"We can now do those iterations virtually, and then commit ourselves to hardware later in the design center," Helfrich said. "It saved us a lot of money in terms of eliminated prototypes and rework."

Helfrich declined to quantify the cost and time savings. "It's hard to quantify things that you didn't do," he said. "But we couldn't do it without this. So it's not really a cost avoidance in that it is the only way to achieve what we need to achieve in our integrated powertrain controls."

Chain of tools

GM is using the same model-based design in engineering centers around the world, he said.

"The key is having one tool chain and one software product line globally for all of GM powertrain engineering," Helfrich said. "That's kind of unusual."

Just as automakers build a variety of vehicle models on a single platform, Helfrich's team is making those same types of design and architecture choices at a software level, said Jon Friedman, manager of aerospace, defense and automotive industry marketing at MathWorks.

MathWorks' competitors in the market for control system design software tools include Wind River Systems Inc., of Alameda, Calif.; and Mentor Graphics Corp., of Wilsonville, Ore.

GM also has powertrain control systems that were developed before the availability of model-based design. "That means we've got an interesting combination of old software and new software coexisting," Helfrich said.

"But it's good because the old software's validated and high-quality and is in use in millions of vehicles worldwide. We don't want to replace that unless we absolutely have to."

Companies such as Toyota Motor Corp., Denso Corp. and Delphi Corp. also use MathWorks tools to provide a common platform for sharing system specifications and development ideas.







“我認(rèn)為如果沒有基于模型的設(shè)計(jì)和開發(fā),你就無法開發(fā)出一套混合動力控制系統(tǒng),”通用汽車動力總成軟件工程部門的主任Kent Helfrich說?;旌蟿恿ο到y(tǒng)遠(yuǎn)比那些圍繞著內(nèi)燃機(jī)的建造和需要復(fù)雜的軟件控制的系統(tǒng)復(fù)雜得多。


“混合動力系統(tǒng)的實(shí)質(zhì)是整合,”Helfrich告訴Automotive News?!澳悴荒茉侔岩婧蛡鲃臃珠_,然后讓他們在最后一分鐘進(jìn)行整合。這個(gè)概念可以被稱為一個(gè)家庭,或一個(gè)系統(tǒng)。如果這一系統(tǒng)沒有被很好的概念化,那么你的最終產(chǎn)品也不會運(yùn)行的很好?!?/SPAN>

汽車制造商使用MathWorks工具來設(shè)計(jì)和開發(fā)的兩種模式混合動力控制系統(tǒng)在1月首先發(fā)布于GMC Yukon和雪佛蘭TahoeSUV上。







“對于所有的通用汽車動力工程而言,關(guān)鍵是有一個(gè)工具鏈和一個(gè)覆蓋全球的軟件產(chǎn)品線,” Helfrich說?!斑@是與眾不同的。”

“正如汽車制造商在單一平臺上建立了各種車型一樣,Helfrich的團(tuán)隊(duì)也是在軟件級別對這些相同類型的設(shè)計(jì)和建筑進(jìn)行選擇?!?/SPAN>MathWorks的航空航天、國防和汽車工業(yè)部門的營銷經(jīng)理Jon Friedman說。

MathWorks公司在控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)軟件工具市場上的競爭對手,包括加利福尼亞州阿拉米達(dá)的風(fēng)河系統(tǒng)公司和俄勒岡州威爾遜的Mentor Graphics公司。

通用汽車公司在基于模型的設(shè)計(jì)實(shí)用之前,也開發(fā)過動力總成控制系統(tǒng)?!斑@意味著我們將使用一個(gè)有趣的舊軟件和新軟件共存的組合。” Helfrich說。





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