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Energy efficiency a keynote theme at HANNOVER MESSE 2009   2008年12月24日
December 24, 2008 - Hannover. The mechanical and plant engineering industries are no strangers to energy efficiency. After all, efficient processes and cutting-edge machinery offer enormous potential for conserving energy and reducing their costs. Just how this all works will be on show at Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes, a special display in Hall 26 at HANNOVER MESSE 2009 (20 to 24 April).

Visitors to Hall 26 will see energy conservation in action as reference models from a range of industries and technology areas are put through their paces. The display includes live demonstrations of how intelligent solutions in industrial processes can not only save time and money, but can also prolong machinery service life.

Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes is the central information hub for all visitors who come to the fair in search of ways to optimize the energy efficiency of their production systems and reduce their energy costs. The display showcases to powerful effect the smart technologies and services that will help make our future an energy-efficient one.

Replacing outdated drive systems can save as much as 27.5 billion kilowatt-hours of power annually
Werner Blass, head of electric drive technology at the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI), agrees: "The Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes display is an unrivalled opportunity for providers of energy-efficient electric drive systems to demonstrate their expertise." Significant energy savings can be realized by modernizing the kinds of drives currently in service in common auxiliary functions such as pumps, fans, compressors, conveyors, climate control and cooling systems. "Simply by replacing outmoded drives in industrial applications [Germany could] achieve energy savings of some 27.5 billion kilowatt-hours annually. That's 11 percent of the country's total industrial electricity consumption or 2.2 billion euros. This sort of investment pays for itself within three years - and in some cases in less than a year," Blass explains.

Pump tuning: potential to reduce energy costs by up to 60 percent
Pump motors are major consumers of electricity, accounting for more than 30 percent of the electricity consumed in light and heavy industry. On average, energy consumption accounts for around 45 percent of total pump lifecycle costs. It is therefore not surprising that pumps are very high on the energy efficiency agenda for many manufacturers. A good place to start is to tune pump output more closely to demand - most pumps don't actually need to be operated at full capacity all the time. In the course of more than 70 consultations in this area in a range of companies, the German Energy Agency (dena) noted that pump system optimization offered potential savings of between 2,500 and 50,000 euros annually and in some cases as much as 100,000 euros. In percentage terms, that works out at an average saving of 30 percent, although in one case the savings potential was over 90 percent.

Cross-industry platform
Owing to its broad cross-industry relevance and appeal, the Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes display will enable its exhibitors to position themselves in their target markets. The display will attract industrial decision-makers, engineers, purchasing and production managers and government policymakers from Germany and abroad. This is a classic win-win situation because, ultimately, greater energy efficiency benefits the environment as well as business.

Energy efficiency also features strongly at the main stands operated elsewhere at HANNOVER MESSE by many of the display's exhibitors. The Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes display thus feeds into the various flagship tradeshows at the HANNOVER MESSE fair and vice versa. The organizers will therefore be providing an energy efficiency-themed printed guide to the entire fair plus energy efficiency bus tours to help visitors find the main stands of the solution providers they discover at the Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes display.


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