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High-tech safety for compact cars   2008年12月14日

20081月新德里舉行的印度汽車博覽會(huì)對(duì)于制造商來(lái)說(shuō)是展示各自汽車安全新技術(shù)和新部件一個(gè)好機(jī)會(huì)。這些技術(shù)包括新的高性能剎車裝置,車輛穩(wěn)定技術(shù)和駕駛輔助系統(tǒng)。在車展上,零部件供應(yīng)商Continental (大陸)重點(diǎn)突出了他們對(duì)于車輛安全的關(guān)注,展示了集合了剎車,底盤(pán)和乘坐者保護(hù)系統(tǒng)的智能技術(shù)。



“為了對(duì)于需求作出快速反應(yīng),我們將關(guān)注顧客定制和針對(duì)特定市場(chǎng)的解決方案?!?/SPAN>Continental(大陸)公司底盤(pán)和安全部門(mén)Ralf Cramer博士說(shuō)?!叭藗冃枰氖前踩?,我們的方案是直接進(jìn)入這些市場(chǎng),將我們各種汽車專業(yè)技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)化為符合當(dāng)?shù)匦枨蟮牧悴考?/SPAN>系統(tǒng)。”


小型轎車市場(chǎng)的發(fā)展制造了開(kāi)發(fā)更小,更輕,同時(shí)具有經(jīng)濟(jì)適用性的剎車的需求。較低的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)動(dòng)力輸出和較小的車輛總質(zhì)量允許剎車系統(tǒng)減小尺寸,從而導(dǎo)致原材料消耗的減少。根據(jù)這種趨勢(shì),Continental(大陸)公司開(kāi)發(fā)了新的ABS(防抱死系統(tǒng))。該系統(tǒng)是在原有的ABS MK70系統(tǒng)上改造,但是大約只有原尺寸的一半。

Continental(大陸)公司的亞洲驅(qū)動(dòng)部門(mén)(Asian Base Actuation)的制動(dòng)驅(qū)動(dòng)裝置匯集了眾多降低成本的建議。使用該系統(tǒng)情況下,真空氣缸可以用更薄的和材料和隔膜。雙管路控制泵活塞可以采用鋼材料的而不用鋁的,也可以降低成本。整個(gè)控制缸架由更薄但是相同耐用的材料制成。液壓剎車系統(tǒng)20076月,Continental(大陸)公司和印度RICO汽車工業(yè)公司簽訂了合資協(xié)議,在印度建立一個(gè)液壓剎車系統(tǒng)工廠,在兩個(gè)階段的第一個(gè)階段達(dá)到4300萬(wàn)美元(31500萬(wàn)人民幣)的銷售量。該合資公司是兩公司平等合作所建立的。工廠將在2008年的第四季度開(kāi)始大規(guī)模液壓剎車系統(tǒng)的生產(chǎn),并在距新德里不遠(yuǎn)的Gurgaon雇傭大約450名員工。



High-tech safety for compact cars

The Auto Expo India held in New Delhi in january 2008 was an opportunity for manufacturers to showcase new technologies and components for increased vehicle technologies and driver assistance the show,component supplier Continental highlighted the focus on safety by bringing together intelligent technologies for brakes,chassis and occupant protection systems.

The growth of the small car market In the next decade,the automotive industry is set to focus on affordable cars-especially in the growth markets of is predicted that the production of cars with a retail price of less than USD 14,500(RMB 105,000) will increase by 70 per cent from the current figure of around 6.5m,to approximately 11m by erable increases are also predicted for Eastern Europe and South America.

"To respond quickly to this demand,we will focus on custorn-tailored,market-specific  solutions",says Dr Ralf Cramer,president chassis safety division,Continental,"What people want are safe,yet affordable we strongly believe that driving safety should be made available to each and every one,our solution is to go directly into these markets and to translate our extensive expertise in vehicle technology into components and systems that correspond to local needs."

Smaller and lighter brakes

The growth in the small car market has created the need to develop smaller and lighter brakes that are also lower engine output and lower overall weight of small cars allow braking systems to be downsized,resulting in reduced material light of this trend,Continental has been developing the new ABS system has been based on the existing ABS MK70 system,but is roughly half the size.

The brake actuation mechanism of ABA (Asian Base Actuation) from Continental incorporates a number of detailed proposals for reducing this system,the vacuum cylinder can be constructed using a thinner material and a thinner membrane.A steel dual master cylinder piston can be used instead of the aluminium version,which also keeps costs whole master cylinder housing is constructed with thinner,but equally durable material.

Hydraulic brake systems

In June 2007,Continental signed a joint venture agreement with RICO Auto Industries,India,to build a hydraulic brake systems plant in India,in a two step approach generating sales of USD 43m (RMB 315m) in the first joint venture is an equal partnership between the two plant will begin mass  producing hyraulic brake systems in the fourth quarter of 2008,employing around 450 staff in Gurgaon near New Delhi.

When construction is completed in 2008,the plant will produce hydraulic brake products and services consisting of calipers for front and rear axles,drum brakes,master cylinders,brake boosters and load sensing proportioning valves for vehicles of all classes, and supply to OEM customers in planned annual production 1.5m drum brakes and 500,000 load sensing proportioning valves.

On completion, the second phase of the plant will have annual turnover of USD 94m(RMB 682m) and will employ 625 people.

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