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GE Fanuc releases Proficy DataMart software   2008年09月19日

September 19, 2008 -- GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms released Proficy DataMart, a new addition to the company’s Proficy suite of integrated Production Management Software products. Proficy DataMart reaches deep within manufacturing operations across a business to provide a single, unifying view into operational performance. Its powerful data cubing technology layers on top of the Proficy Plant Applications suite of software modules, taking the already robust reporting and analysis capabilities of Proficy to new levels – in the plant and across the business.

Proficy DataMart provides a platform for reducing the time, cost and complexity of developing sophisticated ad-hoc reports and analyses to complement the hundreds of existing reports, views and analysis tools within Proficy Plant Applications. The application supplies access to the accurate, timely product, process and production information vital to manufacturers’ strategic and operational success. Its multi-server, multi-time zone, multi-language capabilities support operations around the clock by connecting to multiple Proficy sites locally, regionally and around the world. And, its high-performance, enterprise architecture leverages the robust Proficy Software and technologies proven throughout industry worldwide to deliver real-time, mission-critical information.

Proficy DataMart’s real-time analysis cube technology puts information in a form users can understand by leveraging their own naming conventions, metrics and calculations. By removing the need to understand the production database schemas, it enhances the ad-hoc reporting and analysis capabilities of Proficy Plant Applications while exposing everything to Proficy Portal, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SQL Reporting Services for extended visualization and reporting. Also, since Proficy DataMart is based on open OLAP standards, it leverages a user’s existing Business Intelligence and Enterprise Performance Management infrastructure and supports their Data Warehouse strategies.

“EMI is a strategic pillar and core capability in our Proficy Production Management Software portfolio,” said Sheila Kester, General Manager of GE Fanuc’s Proficy Production Management Software. “Proficy DataMart is a great solution for companies that consider themselves to be ‘data-rich but information-poor’ and are struggling to keep up with the speed of business with complex reporting or analyses within and across their businesses.”

“Proficy DataMart provides a new architecture that really puts the ‘E’ in EMI - in an off-the-shelf, GE Fanuc-supported product,” said Barry Lynch, Global Product Manager, Proficy DataMart. “Customers of Proficy Plant Applications know the value of making informed decisions quickly in production. Now they have more tools to do so in the plant, and the business has enterprise intelligence to support their business overall.”

“GE Fanuc continues its commitment to helping our customers run their plants better to run their businesses better,” concluded Kester. “With our release of Proficy DataMart added to the recent release of Proficy Plant Applications, we are providing powerful intelligence to give our customers a sustainable advantage in their businesses.”

About GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms
GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms, a joint venture between General Electric (NYSE:GE) and FANUC LTD of Japan, is a high-performance technology company and a global provider of hardware, software, services, expertise and experience in automation and embedded computing, with products employed in virtually every industry, including manufacturing automation, defense, automotive, telecommunications, healthcare and aerospace. GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms is a worldwide company headquartered in Charlottesville, VA and is part of GE Enterprise Solutions.

About GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms
GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms, a joint venture between General Electric (NYSE: GE) and FANUC LTD of Japan, is a high-performance technology company and a global provider of hardware, software, services, expertise and experience in automation and embedded computing, with products employed in virtually every industry, including manufacturing automation, defense, automotive, telecommunications, healthcare and aerospace. GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms is a worldwide company head-quartered in Charlottesville, VA, and is part of GE Enterprise Solutions.

About GE Enterprise Solutions
GE Enterprise Solutions elevates customers' productivity and profitability with integrated solutions using sensors and non-destructive testing; security and life safety technologies; power system protection and control; and plant automation and embedded computing systems. Enterprise Solutions' high-tech, high-growth businesses include Sensing & Inspection Technologies, Security, Digital Energy, and GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms. The business has 17,000 problem-solving employees in more than 60 countries around the world.


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